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Friday, June 6, 2014

Crocheting Owl the Time

Love at first sight. 

That's the only way I can describe the feeling that I had the first time I saw the crochet pattern called, Owl Basket, when it was first published to Ravelry.

Half Price, Even Better!

The designer offered it for half price the first week it was published and I bought it right away, not knowing when I would get to it, but certain that I would (hopefully) in the near future.

The Time was Right

Fast forward a couple more months to Autumn, 2013 when our local yarn store, Loops, became one of the premier US dealers for Schachenmayr's new yarn line called, My Mountain. They have this gorgeous super bulky yarn called Bravo Big that is a soft acrylic with a great palette of both neutral and bright colors. Since this pattern calls for 4 strands of bulky yarn held together, I figured I could make my owl with 2 strands held together of super bulky and it would probably be comparable in size. Weeelll...not so much.

Hey There, Big Boy

I started out using the recommended 10mm size crochet hook, but my wrist hurt as I worked because the stitches were too tight. I went up to a 15mm hook and started over. My finished owl ended up much larger than I had anticipated, (54" x 18") but I loved it! I had visions of filling his big little belly with a whole bunch of my yarn stash and keeping him on a shelf in my crochet corner to keep watch over my shoulder as I work.

Yarn Store Field Trip

Since I happen to work at my favorite local yarn store, I'm in the habit of taking my finished (and/or in-progress) crochet projects to work to show our customers. Sometimes it can be overwhelming when you are surrounded by walls filled with myriads of weights, textures and colors of yarn and it is very helpful to see finished projects made with that yarn. I let him hang out there for a few days and snapped a few photos and of course, everyone loved him as much as I did! I mean just look at him...isn't he just huggable?

Owl Make One, Too!

Before I knew it, I was getting requests from people left and right who wanted to make a giant owl and would like a lesson or a class. Thankfully, the designer offers her pattern as an in-store pattern purchase so it was convenient for our customers to pick up their yarn, hook and pattern and get started right away. I did end up having an owl-making class, thus keeping up the momentum of our owl-making frenzy. (My infatuation with the Owl Basket was not yet complete as I made yet another for our grandkids' toy room that is now filled with stuffed animals.)

Big Red

Somehow I have a feeling that the Owl Basket special order that I completed this week will not be the last one that proceeds from the end of my crochet hook. (In fact, I kind of have another one in mind already. Just watch for him to make his appearance on my Instagram. =)

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